Wednesday, September 24, 2008

When he announced the party Name ...Have a look at the crowd !!!!

Telugu megastar Chiranjeevi launched his party `Praja Rajyam` in true cinematic style before a huge gathering of his fans and supporters and pledged to work for change and social justice and root out political corruption in Andhra Pradesh.

chiru's party (Praja Rajyam) jenda song ( it is inspirational)

Chiranjeevi's Praja Rajyam Party is going into masses with the symbol 'Sagittarius' as per inside sources. Initially they though about the symbol 'train' but another symbol 'Goods train' was already taken by an Independent candidate. As goods train and train resemble same, there are chances for misunderstanding between Chiranjeevi's party and that of independent, the idea was changed. Hence the symbol 'Sagittarius', a bow along with an arrow, is opted and that may become final. We have to see if there will be any other change with respect to this. The hint for 'bow and arrow' symbol has seen light with Chiranjeevi's speech when he compared his party men as 'villulu'

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